Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ab Coaster

Ab Coaster Review - How Does the Ab Coaster Work
When you do crunches you work the stomach from the top down, but it is also good and in fact more effective to work the abs from the bottom up. This is why so many people do hanging leg raises or at least try to.

Hanging leg raises are one of the hardest and most effective belly exercises. If you do it without a machine, you hang from a parallel bar with outstretched arms and bring your knees to your chest.

This is very hard on the upper body and makes it virtually impossible for most people to do as many repetitions as they would like. Your arms actually get tired before your stomach does.

There are some machines which let you do leg raises but most of them require you to lift yourself from the ground and to place your arms on pads which are often uncomfortable. In these machines, your upper body still does a lot of the work, and creates a lot of pressure on your lower back.

This is what the Ab Coaster system does: it helps you do leg raises without straining your upper body or putting pressure on your back.

The movement of the Ab Coaster system is an arc. Your knees come up to your chest in a natural crunching motion. This simulates the leg raises but isn't as hard as traditional leg raises are. You can also do diagonal leg raises and work the obliques with the Ab Coaster.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I like this Machine. Love the Abs it creates :

But do watch that health blog it has great info :